Sorting and comparing sorting results

Option 1: SpikeInterface

Eventually, after you’ve generated hybrid ground truth data, you will want to sort this data and compare the sorting results against the ground truth labels. Luckily, these tasks are easy because of the SHYBRID SpikeInterface integration. Please consider the code example below, which implements an entire spike sorting and ground truth validation in just a couple of lines of code.

import spikeinterface.extractors as se
import spikeinterface.sorters as ss
import spikeinterface.comparison as sc

# full filenames to both the hybrid recording and ground truth
recording_fn = '/path/to/recording.bin'
gt_fn = '/path/to/hybrid_GT.csv'

# create extractor object for both the recording data and ground truth labels
recording_ex = se.SHYBRIDRecordingExtractor(recording_fn)
sorting_ex = se.SHYBRIDSortingExtractor(gt_fn)

# perform spike sorting (e.g., using SpyKING CIRCUS)
sc_params = ss.SpykingcircusSorter.default_params()
sorting_sc = ss.run_spykingcircus(recording=recording_ex, **sc_params,

# calculate spike sorting performance
# note: exhaustive_gt is set to False, because the hybrid approach generates
#       partial ground truth only
comparison = sc.compare_sorter_to_ground_truth(sorting_ex, sorting_sc, exhaustive_gt=False)

Option 2: Using the shybrid validation api

After you have sorted the hybrid recording, either by using your sorting pipeline of choice or SpikeInterface, the sorting results can also be compared to the ground truth through the SHYBRID validation API. Compared to SpikeInterface, our API implements an automatic cluster merging, which might give more realistic sorting results for spike sorting software that has been tuned toward overclustering (i.e., splitting a single unit cluster into multiple clusters). Please consider the following code example which shows you how to use our validation API.

import os

from hybridizer.validation import validate_from_phy, validate_from_csv

root = '/path/to/hybrid'
phy_folder = 'phy_results_folder'
hybrid_gt = 'hybrid_GT.csv'

comparison_window = 10

# non-curated spike sorting results
phy_results = os.path.join(root, phy_folder)
# ground truth
hybrid_gt = os.path.join(root, hybrid_gt)

print('compare from phy')
validate_from_phy(hybrid_gt, phy_results,

print('\ncompare from csv (to itself in this example)')
validate_from_csv(hybrid_gt, hybrid_gt,


You can easily convert sorting results to the CSV format by using SpikeInterface’s write_sorting method, as was shown in Use your own data.